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Blessing In The Wrestling: Learning it’s ok to wrestle with God

Post by: Maggie Anderson


”So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”“

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭32‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭‬‬

It’s a taboo in the church world. Something we aren’t supposed to do. If we do it we definitely aren’t supposed to talk about it. For most of my life wrestling with God seemed like a failure on my part. Somehow I was slipping up, causing myself to doubt or question, and now here I am wrestling with God. — I’m so thankful that God is continuing to renew my mind, and changing my ideas. 

The scripture I referenced is one many people have heard. The time that Jacob got to literally wrestle with God. Now you may think “he got to? Maggie, he literally had his hip pulled out of the socket.” But I think that may be the best part of the story, and one that we can all take a lesson from. 

You see, in the struggle not once did Jacob question his pursuit. Not once did he feel that he was somehow dishonoring God by wrestling with him. Not once did he even consider stopping until he received what he was after, even through the pain. And you know the cool part of that? Neither did God. 

It’s not until Jacob has thoroughly exhausted himself and gone through physical discomfort that God was ready to bless him. He saw the determination and effort Jacob was willing to put in. He knew that this meant something, or possibly even everything, to him. And God doesn’t let that kind of pursuit go unnoticed. 

For the longest time I thought that my wrestling was somehow me pulling away from God. But let me share a revelation I had with you. You can’t wrestle with something you aren’t close to. It may feel like he’s a million miles away, but your wrestling is proof that he is still right in the ring with you. 

How many questions did the disciples have? How many times did they doubt even after seeing miracle upon miracle? God is not afraid of our questions and concerns. He is aware that they come with the territory. He’s a big God, and our human understanding sometimes isn’t adequate to comprehend his ways. 

If you’re struggling today, or wrestling with God, I want you to know that he is close to you. Maybe even closer than he’s ever been before. He wants your questions and confusion, and yes even your doubts. When we open up those places to Him we give Him the room to show us his true nature. I hope that someday you have the chance to wrestle with God. I know you’ll be all the more blessed for it. 

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