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Return: Accepting God’s love, even at rock bottom


Post by: India Tungate


I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you." Isaiah 44:22

I have some good news to share with you all today. No matter how low you think you have fallen- God still loves you.

Did you know that Jesus had a rock bottom? I know what you’re thinking. India, you’re crazy. The man was perfect! He didn’t have a rock bottom. Oh but he did. Jesus’ rock bottom was the moment where he was crying out for a change in his fate. (Luke 22:39-46) He was terrified to face what he had to do (for us all!).

I don’t think anyone could ever begin to imagine how that must have felt for Jesus. How truly terrified he was and even he hit rock bottom, and had a moment of weakness. However, Jesus did something that we can all learn from when we too, have hit rock bottom. 

Jesus chose to cling to the truth that God loves him. That truth alone helped him to come to his senses and he understood his father's love for him. That love brought him strength. That love washed hope upon him. That love placed clarification on his heart. That love SAVED US. 

Friends, cling to this truth that there is hope for all who’ve failed, who’ve made a mess of their lives, and who’ve reached rock bottom. The Lord can pick you up and make something beautiful out of your life. Allow this truth to help you see life more clearly, that God loves you! 

He doesn’t want us to continue in our sin. God loves you but He hates the sin that can eventually destroy you if you allow it. It’s a wonderful thing to be a child of God. When God lays hold of us, He puts a cord of love around us to protect us. There’s a lot of slack in that cord, and you may slip up and fall thousands of times and even drift away from the Lord. But one day, you’ll reach the end of that cord. And then God will pull you back to Him.

Of course, you can decide at that point, to cut off the cord and run away, or choose to be broken by God’s kindness and mourn and return to Him. That’s what Peter did. He wept and turned back to the Lord. But Judas didn’t choose to do that. He cut away the cord - in rebellion against God’s authority over his life - and was eternally lost. Do what Peter did, my friends. Hang on to your heavenly fathers love for you. I pray that your faith in God’s love will never fail.

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